After a weekend of gluttony, I now have to go on a health binge…total oxymoron, I know. To kick things off, I’m going to no carb/low carb it for a while (29 days). And it will culminate with the David Chang / Roy Choi dinner at the Bel Air Hotel.
I am not going to lie – I am a total bitch when I can’t have carbs (yeah, I know some of you would say, “you could’ve ended with ‘I am a total bitch [period]’” har har har). But, my body never looks better than when I’m working out and avoiding all matters of bread, pasta and rice. Asian people become totally distraught when you tell them you’re not eating rice. One Asian man told me it wasn’t natural and that we Asian people HAVE to eat rice in order to be healthy.
I’m hoping the copious amounts of protein and the endorphins from working out will offset any sugar/carb withdrawal. Besides, I have a wedding to go to in July and I want to be able to wear whatever I want!
One of the great things about living in LA is that there are so many options for healthy eating if you’re so inclined. Frankly, I’m too busy to worry about making my meals some times, so, it’s awesome that The Firehouse is right by one of my offices!. Located on Main St. & Rose, the bright red building offers super healthy options…probably for the Golds Gym bodybuilder set right next door.
Today, I went with the Body Builder Combo #1 with 8 oz. egg whites, 6 oz. turkey sausage patty and 1 carb (cup of cottage cheese). That’s a total of 84 g of protein! The total calorie count is about 612 calories and 24 g of fat. Hoping to round it out with some roast chicken tonight, Girl Interrupted style. hahaha